Why Contractors Around Australia Are Choosing Contractor Cover to Insure Their Business - Contractors Insurance Australia

January 20, 2020

Contractor make up a huge portion of the Australia work force. In fact, the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that there are at least one million independent contractors currently working in Australia. While this can mean greater independence and more control over your work, it also means that you’re required to take care of practical matters such as insurance.

Contractor Cover are dedicated to offering comprehensive insurance cover to Australian contractors and we work hard to make sure you’re covered. Let’s look at why contractors from across Australia are turning to Contractor Cover for their insurance needs.

Dedicated to contractors

Contractors face a number of different risks compared to employees. You generally don’t receive any insurance cover from an employer and are responsible for ensuring that you have the right level of cover in place. At Contractor Cover, we’re dedicated to providing high quality insurance cover for contractors at a competitive price. We understand the risks that you face in your daily work and have developed insurance to provide cover for these exposures for ongoing peace of mind.

Convenient ‘Contractor Pack’

Here at Contractor Cover, we’ve made life easy by bundling together the most common forms of insurance cover for Australian contractors into our signature ‘Contractor Pack. That means that you all of the cover you need is in one policy. Thanks to our group buying power, we’ve also negotiated affordable premiums for our clients.

Exceptional customer service

Contractor Cover have a strong focus on customer service and our experienced team are on hand to answer questions that you may have along the way. If you think that your area of work is too specialised or you require additional cover, just give us a call and we’ll see what we can do!

Cover for a range of occupations

There are a diverse range of contractors in Australia and Contractor Cover have made our insurance accessible for everyone. From tradies to professionals, we cover a range of occupations and have taken care to ensure that the wording our policies suit a broad range of contractors.

One stop shop

When you work as a contractor, you have enough to think about without worrying about juggling multiple insurance policies. Contractor Cover make life easier by being a one stop shop for Australian contractors. With us, you can access all of the insurance cover you need without the hassle. It also means you have one point of contact for all of your insurance questions!

Experience with business of all sizes

At Contractor Cover, we understand the no two business are the same. With that in mind, we have experience with businesses of all different shapes or sizes. That means that no matter what kind of business you have, we can provide the same high quality cover at a competitive price.

For more information about our signature ‘Contractor Pack’, contact Contractor Cover today on 1300 438 268.

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General Advice Warning – retail clients *

General advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, please consider its appropriateness. You should also consider our disclosure documents, which include our Financial Services Guide (FSG) and Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) for some products.
*Retail clients are individuals or those purchasing an insurance product for use in connection with a small business where the product is a designated retail product (eg motor vehicle, home buildings, home contents, personal and domestic property, sickness and accidental and travel insurance). All other clients are wholesale clients.

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Contractor Cover is a registered trading name of
Elliott Australia Group Pty Ltd
AFSL 418512
ABN: 81 153 685 922
© Contractor Cover – Insurance for Contractors in Australia