Why Do Photographers Need Insurance? - Contractors Insurance Australia

September 17, 2015

As a professional photographer, it almost goes without saying that you are passionate about what you do and conscientious about how you store and care for your equipment. After all, the tools of your trade are expensive. Sadly sometimes being conscientious is not enough. Accidents happen, equipment can be knocked over or go missing when you’re busy focussing on a shot, a weather event can wreak havoc if you’re on location, a million things can and do go wrong every day. That’s life!

You may well have been doing your job for years and never had a problem, but take a moment and imagine what would happen to your business if overnight your prized photographic gear was damaged or stolen. It really doesn’t bear thinking about, which is why having the right insurance cover in place is not only a good risk management strategy, it’s also good business sense. Here are a few scenarios to consider.

General Property Cover

In common with many other professional in the business, you probably carry a lot of expensive photography equipment to and from different jobs or locations in the back of your car. Don’t leave it until your equipment is damaged or stolen before you find out that most photography equipment isn’t covered under your standard home and contents policy. To make sure you can replace your equipment quickly and without fuss, consider General Property Cover which may assist you to replace your valuable equipment.

Personal Accident and Illness Cover

The majority of photographers are self-employed and rely on a steady stream of bookings for their income. So illness or injury can have serious financial implications on your lifestyle and business reputation. Personal Accident and Illness Cover could make all the difference as you’ll continue to receive part of your income if you can’t work due to injury or illness.

Public Liability Insurance – for covering damages

Sometimes the unthinkable happens, someone trips over your equipment while you’re working, or an accident happens when a client is at your studio. Suddenly you can find that you are financially liable and it can be expensive. Pubic Liability Insurance protects against damage to a person or property while you’re working. It’s not only sensible, it’s a business essential.

General Advice Warning – retail clients *

General advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, please consider its appropriateness. You should also consider our disclosure documents, which include our Financial Services Guide (FSG) and Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) for some products.
*Retail clients are individuals or those purchasing an insurance product for use in connection with a small business where the product is a designated retail product (eg motor vehicle, home buildings, home contents, personal and domestic property, sickness and accidental and travel insurance). All other clients are wholesale clients.

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