Top 5 Insurance Policies for Massage Therapists - Contractors Insurance Australia

December 12, 2019

Whether it’s assisting clients in relieving pain, helping in injury recovery or providing a means of relaxation, massage therapists have in important job in improving wellness. Although you probably spend most of your day focussing on others, make sure you take the time to ensure that your business is covered with the correct insurance so you have peace of mind while you’re working. Today, we’re taking a look at some of the main forms of insurance that massage therapists should consider.

1. Public liability insurance

Public liability insurance will protect you financially if you cause damage to property or injury to a person as a result of your actions at work. It also covers your legal bills if you need to hire a lawyer during the claims process. A liability claim could occur from something as simple as a client tripping on your premises.

2. General property insurance

As a massage therapist, you may be required to transport specialist equipment between premises. This equipment can be very expensive to replace if something happens to it which is where general property insurance comes in. General property insurance will cover your transportable items if they’re lost, damaged or stolen.

3. Professional indemnity insurance

Professional indemnity insurance protects you against the costs associated with a third party claim following negligence or a breach of professional duty. It also covers additional costs associated with an indemnity claim, such as legal and public relations costs. As a massage, you could find yourself subject to an indemnity claims from something such as providing incorrect or misleading advice to a client.

4. Personal accident and illness insurance

Personal accident and illness insurance will provide you with a portion of your regular income if you’re unable to work due to injury or illness. This cover will last for the term of policy or until you can return to work. This cover allows you to keep up with regular payments, such as rent or daily living expenses, if you’re unexpectedly unable to work.

5. Tax audit insurance

Tax audit insurance is often overlooked but is an important form of cover. If you’re subject to a tax audit from the Australian Tax Audit, it can be a time consuming process. However, it can also be expensive when you have to hire professional accountant to assist. With tax audit insurance, the costs involved in hiring a professional to help with the audit are covered.

At Contractors Cover, we aim to make life as easy as possible for contractors across Australia. We’ve bundled together the most commonly used insurance policies for contactors into one convenient package. This means optimal cover for your and no messing around with multiple policies. Don’t take the risk – make sure you’re covered!

For more information about insurance for massage therapists, contact Contractor Cover today on 1300 438 268 or fill in our easy online enquiry form.

Nastasiya dromgool

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