Contractor Cover provides straight forwards and reliable insurance for real estate agents and landlords.
Public Liability Insurance covers you for damages to a person or property if you’re found liable after a claim. For real estate agents who have clients visit their office or landlords who have third parties visiting their properties, this cover is important as it means you’re covered if any injuries occur.
For individuals who provide professional advice and services on a regular basis, like real estate agents, Professional Indemnity Insurance is essential because it covers the legal costs and damages if you find yourself subject to a negligence claim.
To save you the expense of the inevitable accountant costs that come of a tax audit, real estate agents and landlords are able to take out Tax Audit Cover which will cover these expenses. This means you’re prepared for unexpected costs.
For real estate agents and landlords, General Property Cover is an important consideration as it covers the portable items you have with you on a day to day basis. Technology such as laptops can be very expensive to replace and General Property Cover will cover the costs if these items are lost or stolen.
Personal Accident and Illness Cover is an important consideration for real estate agents as it means that you’ll still be paid some of your normal income if you’re unable to work because of injury or illness. This means you have the peace of mind that you’ll be able to keep up with your expenses.