Contractor Cover offers quick and easy insurance packages for your shade sail and outdoor covering business, giving you peace of mind in the event of the unexpected.
Shade sail and outdoor covering installers are more open to injury due to often needing to work at heights. If you can’t work due to a sudden injury or illness, make sure you still receive a portion of your normal income by taking out Personal Accident and illness Cover.
If you wake up tomorrow and find your tools lost, damaged, or stolen, you may not only struggle to meet your job obligations as a shade sail and outdoor covering installer but would also be faced with the huge expense of replacing your gear. Make sure you’re covered with General Property Insurance.
You provide advice and services in your work as a shade sail and outdoor covering installer and are therefore open to negligence claims. Professional Indemnity Insurance ensures that legal costs and damages are covered if you’re sued for any reason.
Causing accidental damage can be an occupational hazard if you work as a shade sail and outdoor covering installer and Public Liability Insurance means that you’re covered for damage to property or another person as a result of your actions.
If you run a busy small business installing shade sails and outdoor covering, that last thing you need is the unexpected expense of a tax audit. To ensure the expenses of hiring a lawyer or accountant to complete the audit are covered, Tax Audit Cover is a great option.